Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

First Love=First heart breaker ? ^^

'i am weary,cause i love you'

.. yeah. that was my feeling , i have felt it from the start i love him. the one who was really care, the one who was really close to me.. maybe since 2 years or 3 years ago. i just had a special feeling. i feel like so amazing when i talk to him.. it's out of normal. and i guess that i love him. it's not because he is handsome or something like that. i just felt it directly, why did he always enter to my dream? then why do i feel so great, i am happy .
 and in fact he used to love me too , we made a promise. to love each other every single day of forever.. and i do. we do not have a specialrelation we know it is bad ! but the promise is for remind us that we ever in love.
 unfortunately, it's all broken. he doesn't love me again, he just found someone new.   i was crying.
  i was angry to him. i was really dissapointed. haha! but i know that .it his rights, now. i love another . even i'm still keep loving him. haha, and i know he is not The First Heart Breaker, but he is The First Teacher who teaches me how to love a boy ! thanks yaa.. i even can't forget him. and i am happy.

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