Minggu, 11 September 2011

i even still cannot ..

 everytime i think to forget you , but it even can't be done , i cannot forget you like i say , why do you always make me hurt ? my biggest fault here is , why do i love you ? should i end my feeling now ?
  tears by tears continued from my eyes .. i do not what should i do, i am sorry . i love you ..
tears continued because i love you .. i may be can't b yours , but let me to feel happy with you , not a pain like this..
 everytime i think to say something to you .. i want to talk to you it even just for 10 seconds ..
i am tired now, tired to train myself for a week . a week and only for 10 seconds. ya, i did .
 i cannot do anything now, forget or love you is still can't b done . it just make me hurt .
should i end this feeling or not ? i even do not want to do it ..

  it all happened because i love you at the first sight ..

and i tell this is a true , i have been loving someone. who cannot like me like i do .
 is there another way to forget ? because i am weary ..

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